Phillips 66 Score Top Marks at Customer Conference
Fuelling the Future

Phillips 66 Limited have today announced the customer feedback from their biennial conference – this year held in Palma.
The most successful conference to date – Phillips 66 customers rated the overall experience 4.8 out of a maximum score of 5 with ‘satisfaction’ scoring 100% (Very satisfied 79% and satisfied 21%).
An opportunity to network and reconnect, the 4-day conference also gave Phillips 66 an opportunity to share their key business messages and industry insights via a series of hosted business sessions covering topics including: ‘Supplying through change’, ‘Refinery of the Future’ and an Emerging Energy panel. Well received, 86% of attendees rated the sessions ‘very satisfactory’ with the talk on ‘EV and the Future’ scoring highly with 93% of customers rating it either ‘excellent’ or ‘good’.
The conference also provided an opportunity for customers to meet and/or reconnect with Rupert Turner – the newly appointed MD, UK Marketing, Phillips 66 Limited.
“It was great to see so many familiar faces and to make new connections,” says Rupert. “Phillips 66 customers are extremely loyal and it has been immensely gratifying to read such positive feedback. The conference provides a unique opportunity for us to share our strategy and vision but most importantly to hear, first-hand, what our customers are feeling and thinking and how, together, we can continue to strive for excellence.”
The conference was held in Palma from 4th October – 6th October 2022.